Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Long Does My Hair Have To Be To Use Microchet

Obesity is a question of mind too much food "shrinks" the brain

According to a study published in Brain Research extra pounds affect cognitive function and trigger a "failure" that leads people to eat more and more over time. A confirmation of the theory of obesity: the more it increases the amount of food ingested the more it weakens the response of the pleasure receptors and increases the desire to sit at the table


"Mens sana in corpore sano" said the Latins. A new confirmation of the old proverb comes from the United States. A study published on Brain Research 1 notes that the pounds have a negative effect on the size of the brain, altering the functioning of those areas that "govern" the eating behavior. According to researchers at New York University School of Medicine (U.S.), obesity as well as being linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, a disease that already affects cognitive function, determines also a "failure" that could lead people to eat more and more over time.



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