Monday, January 17, 2011

Agata Kręciszek Gliwice

Pros and Cons of licorice

Known since antiquity for its sweetener, 50 times higher than sugar, its most used is the root, which yields a extract used to make candies, teas, infusions or liqueurs but licorice can also be served raw, in the form of rods, those often taken as a substitute of the cigarette.
Its success is due, inter alia, to the many and healing properties: digestive and gastric inflammatory, refreshing, emollient, expectorant and cough suppressant, just to name a few. The abuse, however, which often begin just after the discovery of the benefits, is when it will progressively increase in consumption, naively trusting in absolute safety. Err on the licorice it means exposing himself to a pressure rise, due to water retention, for fatigue ...



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