A strict consistency, or rather wooden
Sometimes the choice to live in a house of wood may seem a bit 'eccentric, though it seems that those who have put forward good reasons for doing so. Difficult, however, think that there may be someone in a wooden building even decide to transfer their holdings. Not an office, not a shop but a real business with industrial workers, machines, tools, overhead traveling cranes, raw materials and stores.
This has happened. In Italy, with record numbers. In the province of Varese is the largest factory built shed built in Europe, built entirely in wood: 17 000 m² covered required together by a structure of 5 thousand cubic meters of laminated wood beams and yet self-supporting panels made using wood and 70 tons of recycled paper. The figures are impressive even "negative": 7 thousand tons of CO2 saved during the construction and reduced energy requirements due to the essential qualities of higher thermal efficiency of wood and securing renewable energy for a mega watt of power produced by 10 square kilometers of solar panels.
And what is inside this building? It works on wood, of course!
author of the construction of this panel is the Novello Srl, a family of entrepreneurs who have been working in the field. At first a small carpentry. Then the intuition of new sectors, the leap in logistics and transport. Big. Wooden crates for transport helicopters were disassembled, aircraft parts, sections of large plants, motorcycles. No matter how sophisticated and the content, the wood is still the material for more guarantees of protection. In many languages, wood and wood are made by the same term and perhaps not by chance that the forest hides us, protects us but at the same time and the forest trees are always growing, ensuring the availability of much more wood than man uses for its activities. I met
Moreno Novello administrator of the company that you are driven to think a company so visionary. And I also appreciated knowing that the whole family had a great idea of \u200b\u200ba common project. I understand that there is no decision is taken if there is no agreement of all. The project belongs to everyone and everyone must share its fate. I liked them two things: the courage and consistency. The courage of innovative business decisions in difficult times, now in short supply in these areas, the land of industry pioneers who have made the history of Pease. Most importantly, the consistency of choices that have never betrayed the passion for wood, for materials that accompanied the success of your business comes to become the emblem of his reputation. "A lot of people," he confides Moreno, "We were entrepreneurs who have followed the dictates of environmental sustainability. I think for our family, respect for nature and commitment to it is almost an innate gift, born from years of attention and love of wood "She adds, smiling," for us it was a logical choice and consistent with our way of thinking. " What we can hope is that soon the family Novello find other followers who gather their example. Even if it's an example of the kind just can not follow the facts, you can at least follow along the motorway Varese-Milano. In fact, the location of the property longitudinal creep of the road allows you to appreciate its architectural value thanks to the insights of a young architect in Varese, who also just happens to love the wood. I met him because I wanted to understand how to the property had been dubbed by the '70s sci-fi inkling of "P87" and I have been told that eighty-seven are the pillars that support the building of wood anchored to the ground through a technology whose value is appreciated and replicated in Germany, the nation's leader in timber construction. Another reminder of the consistency of the trees, which found the essential elements of their existence confirmed the artificial tree being rooted to the ground and, once again, soaring upward.
"We have launched" a new division, Mr. Moreno informs me "that deals with environmentally sustainable building. We want to offer our know-how and materials we have developed for our property to anyone involved in the design and construction of buildings "He adds," we intend to bring building professionals here, housing them for one day in our facility and tell you our experience, "Good idea, I think. Besides, who most of them can be credible on what they say, because, as we say to children, by example have already given?
See also (this blog):
House is forever. Building with wood and good ideas