my review of a movie that I was very impressed. This is a film that Frank Capra shot in 1939 starring a big "Jimmy" Stewart. A lesson in democracy and love for your country (by adoption) than for what it represents than for what it actually is. With all the risks involved when you touch the susceptibility of politicians.
There are many ways to show love for your country. Even making a film of the complaint as he did Frank Capra in 1939 when he proposed to the public Mr. Smith Goes to Washington one of the first films to highlight the dirty game of politics subservient to special interests and speculation. However, the director committed a large Italian-American decided to reward the ingenuity of the American capital with the public before the movie. The preference proved disastrous: the audience began to murmur and cry foul. Those who had not departed from the room before the end of the film began to insult the actors and directors. It was an attack on the heart of America by putting in a situation of embarrassment the image of those who represented the U.S. Senate. He was also a great disappointment to Frank Capra, a Sicilian origin, love of the American dream: the political establishment of the largest democracy in the world did not realize that the beauty and greatness of the nation which was not established in the minds of senators corrupt and mendacious malice, but in the majesty of the institutions, laws that regulate and the moral strength of men superpartes the authorities.
The plot: Senator an indefinite state of North States (this could be Montana or Wyoming) died suddenly. The clique of businessmen interested in speculative operations by building a large dam in an area of \u200b\u200bunspoiled beauty, decided to replace the late Mr. Jefferson Smith with such a seemingly simple-a scouteschi pervaded by the precepts of Baden Powell and training camps with the youth of the place. The sprawling environment and would pervert the Capital, in a short, made it clear to the Highlands frescone of fully equipped with the most mundane activities which could have been entertained leaving the field open to the clandestine operations of the business. The design unfortunately encounters an unexpected obstacle when the young senator, during the presentation of his draft law aimed to establish camps to temper the spirits of young Americans, he discovers that the area of \u200b\u200bhis choice for the construction of the field is the same identified by the gang of unscrupulous businessmen for the construction of the dam. At that point the life becomes hard for the poor Jefferson Smith, the same party colleagues they launched deadly attacks on his integrity and accusing it of deceptive maneuvers involved with false and fabricated evidence. He is no longer the friendly country-came on a trip to the capital, but the public is being portrayed as a skilled man power capable of exploiting popular delegation to pursue personal ends. Senator Smith is in dire straits, decided to leave is now assistant recommended the skill that has abandoned the cynicism of a woman accustomed to all wickedness, and turned the honesty of Smith, advised him to use the only weapon that until It will not be formally dismissed its right to use: the word. And Senator Jefferson Smith will keep his word to support twenty-four hours following the Rules of the Senate, the President and to the full exercise of its functions superpartes and the public begins to understand. In the end the evil in the face of such honesty and earnest love for his country and for the expression of democracy that is, contract admitting their guilt and exonerate the young senator of all charges.
The film was a serious train the country's political life. Senator Kennedy warned the London studio of Capra, Columbia, from proposing the salt distribution in overseas and so did many other U.S. representatives abroad. The film would be a threat to the credibility of American political institutions, a threat that could have serious repercussions for the global balance very close to a new world war.
But no one, until after several years (the film was inserted by the American Film Institute at the twenty-sixth place among the best American films of all time) repented the greatest demonstration for freedom that Capra's film was meant to represent: the life of a country are not people, but the strength and ensuring the functioning of its institutions. Senatores boni viri, Senatus autem evil beast
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) by Frank Capra, 1939, with James Stewart and Jean Arthur
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