Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fresh Black Mission Dates

diet after the holidays 5 light meals a day

back into shape

The diet to recover from the revelry of dinners and toast farewell to 2.5-3 pounds in a month

the sausage was good, right? And Pandora? Not bad ... well nougat Well, here we go again: parties and dinners have left a legacy of good memories and a few pounds more. What now must be thrown down with a diet low in fat and sugar to lose 2.5 to 3 pounds in a month.
A scheme providing five balanced meals a day, so that the metabolism is always active and never come too hungry for lunch and dinner, says Stefania Setti, nutritionist clinics Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo. Here is an indicative suitable for people in good health (photo Fabbri).



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