Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Scenes From Tv And Film

The effects of music since ancient times.

The effect of music (and art more generally) on the psyche and the human soul had been known since antiquity: the first known civilization, the priests were the custodians of knowledge and together with dispensers of medications.
rituals that had to chase away the evil from the body movements, the rhythms and sounds and everything were fundamental insight was based on an elemental: the body was part of the cosmos was made of harmony and rhythm, and then the music, which is harmony and rhythm, he could put the sick body in tune with the cosmos.
In the Chinese culture of the third century BC, the first medical book is also the first known book of music and contains the first pentatonic scale. In the West
Plato was among the first to attempt to give a rational explanation of the effects of music on the psyche, too, starting from the premise that the entire universe is made up pace and that human life is based on rhythm and harmony: the music speaks to the most instinctive mind.
Aristotle spoke of "liberating and cathartic effect" can therefore improve the psychic tensions.
To Pythagoras music could "change the mood of deep, allowing for greater self-awareness and a more intelligent use of their abilities."
In the Middle Ages in the Far East, the Arabs musical instruments like the flute, they were also tools of therapy for some mental disorders, while in Europe the new monks were the depositories of medical knowledge and the musical.
In the Renaissance period as the medical schools of Salerno and Montpellier as that, starting from concepts of "lay people" still come to the idea of \u200b\u200ba "relationship between the vibration that creates sound like the human body and the environment that surrounds us" .
is in the first half of the 700, however, that it speaks explicitly of "musicaterapia" as physicians and musician Richard Brockiesby London in a treaty which spread throughout Europe raises concerns and controversies. At the end of '700
deepens the concept of "musical science", it comes to applications even to organic diseases, one begins to identify the relationship between body rhythms and musical rhythm, including heart rate, breathing and rhythm of musical beats. 800 concepts become more scientific and, like all medical knowledge, you begin to submit to testing, with studies repeatable and testable, the effects of music on body and mind of people, while in Germany Karl Strumph speaks of "psychology the sound. " Today
the means available to medical science able to also investigate changes in brain areas that activate the people who listen to music or arising before a panel: Semir Zeki has called "neuroestetica" the discipline that seeks to understand the neurophysiological basis of art and tries to find out if there are some "artistic universals" that can be found in all of us regardless of the latitude where we were born and the culture to which apparteniamo.E the latest research seems to say that these "universal" really exist, confirming the common notion that art bounds and can speak to the psyche of all, no language problems idiomi.Abbiamo or confirmation that the artistic message is processed mainly in the hippocampus and limbic system of our brain, which both have extensive connections with the hypothalamus and the cortex. And it is especially the cortex of the right hemisphere, that of the analog functions and analyzing on the basis of rhythmic, musical, spatial, which is responsible for developing the impulses that come from music and art forms in generaleAbbiamo said that the musical language has the characteristics of a "protolanguage" as independent from the language developed in a conscious way. It is perhaps here that there is any explanation of why music can act on feelings and emotions much more than it can the verbal language.
We can help you better understand Gregory Bateson: "algorithms of the unconscious are organized quite differently from the algorithms of language. And since most of the neocortex developed by conscious thought is structured according to the logic of language, it can be accessed with great difficulty to the algorithms of the unconscious. "
That 's what Pascal said in a more poetic: "The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing."
"Art" Bateson always says "is a statement of something unconscious that words could not give the same rational way" and recalls a quote from Isadora Duncan: "If I could say with words what it means, I would not need to dance."
It is for this that art therapy is nowadays, with all new instruments and with huge potential in what continues to be the most fascinating frontier for those who want to better understand the human condition: the relationship between mind and body, he connection between the instinctual and unconscious of the human soul and the rational one.


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