Since the well-known French medical music therapist Alfred Tomatis, in the sixties, steered his research on the relationship of sound to it with the intrauterine life, and established some principles about the importance of music for fetal development, many studies and investigations were completed. Today the scientific community agrees that - as the prof. D. Chamberlain - "the unborn child is sensitive, aware, communicative, intelligent."
utero was noted that in the last 24 weeks, the sensory organs of hearing of the unborn are anatomically formed and functioning. The baby is able to memorize what he hears and remembers the once born prenatal sound experiences and is rewarded every time he has the opportunity to enjoy again. For these reasons, in different departments of neonatology (in Europe, United States, Canada, Japan) for children born prematurely or with some pathological problem do you listen to recordings of the maternal voice and music propostegli in the last months of gestation. Based on these sounds, the small, at regular intervals, is treated with gentle hand touch. The results of this type of massage is amazing. So summarizing them prof. M. Couronne: "After a few minutes breathing and heart rate is stabilized in the small, the color returns to normal and there are visible signs of the welfare state." But the touch
mother is also crucial for infants who do not present critical situations, but are simply excited to gaseous colic, difficulty to sleep, because I still traumatized by the birth. The manual touch on the chest, abdomen, legs stimulates the release of neuropeptides that send messages to the hypothalamus and the immune system, regulating the weight, sleep, breathing and at the same time promoting a reaction harmonious with the mother or parents. All this occurs with a blissful expression on the face of the child.
Equally interesting were the results of research and a group of scientists led by prof. Brent Logan, director of the Prenatal Shohomish (Washington State) on the last sound stimulation during prenatal and postnatal with percussive sounds of music whose rhythm does not differ from that of the human heart. Encourage the development of synapses and neuronal connections.
For some ten years, under the pressure of extraordinary experiences of prof. L. Leboyer and his students, in Western culture was introduced to the ancient custom of mother's hand as an important and healthy for the mother and baby in childbirth preparation. And 'the experience of "Carnatic song", so called because it originates from India meridionale.Così the voice teacher prenatal Marie-Louise aucher summarizes the importance of mother-child relationship through song. "The song urges breast ample opportunity in the perception of self. Neurocerebral whole system and thus the immune system of the little they have an immense benefit which will be reflected on its future development. "
the singing of lullabies, preceded by some relaxation exercises and breathing vibrato helps mothers to relax and breathe deeply without effort. This benefit both the mother's body is that of the small: higher oxygenation and increased elasticity of the diaphragm (important for the birth). The sound of the voice, also inside the vibrating body of the mother, is a subtle message to be beneficial to you both for the baby.
Beyond each musical experience, very useful, as we have been able to understand the development the small, we should never forget that no music can replace the mother's voice, with that particular tone, that the child knows and recognizes when it develops from its "home placenta. So
Talk, sing, smile, murmured chants and rhymes, because the sound of the maternal voice is the thread of life of the still small before and after birth.
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