Monday, January 31, 2011

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against breast cancer part of the test on sixteen thousand Italian

Starts the Tiber Project: an Italian team is experimenting with a drug already used for diabetes to "fix" the metabolic defects that can cause breast cancer. The study involved healthy women recruited from voluntary and will be completed in five years


LONDON - Preventing breast cancer in healthy women, thanks to the action of an antidiabetic agent. It is the challenge of the Tiber River Project, a scientific research intended Regina Elena Institute of Rome and the Milan National Cancer Institute, also financed by the Ministry of Health. The trial, which began in recent days and will end in five years, will be conducted on 16 thousand healthy women. There speaks to Professor Paola Muti, scientific director of the Institute, during the day of the Oranges of Health, the event that each year the Association Italian Agency for Research on Cancer (AIRC) promotes to raise funds for research.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Read Fan Made Doujinshi

Oranges health, testimonials Airc

A tumor in three born at the table because of poor diet. But with food 'good' you can also fight cancer. Also this year, Saturday, January 29, the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) brings in more than 2 thousand Italian squares Oranges health. The volunteers will distribute over 400 thousand nets of Sicilian red oranges, 9 euro each, with the aim to collect 4 million to be allocated to scientific research against cancer. To act as a testimonial to the initiative: Antonella Clerici, Enzo Iacchetti, Margherita Granbassi, Teresa Mannino, Miriam Leone, Federica Panicucci, Benedetta Parodi, Pippo Baudo, Mario Biondi, Moreno Cedroni. Find the square


Recipes Health

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Dog and cat bed ever in the infection is around the corner

infections, worms, parasites, ringworm, and even the plague. A team of American researchers has identified a list of diseases that animals can transmit to man of the house. Better keep your distance and take the appropriate standards of hygiene to avoid risks and dangers of


ROME - Although it is considered man's best friend, it is better to keep it away from the sheets. Who has a dog or a cat in the house often treated as a child or a family member. Many are unaware, however, that the pampering of a pet, while making good mood, can be a vehicle of infection, from the mundane to the most serious. The experts say the University of California. In particular, Bruno Chomel, a professor of the University of California School of Veterinary Medicine, the journal of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1 (CDC) United States, Emerging Infectious Diseases, has published a study in which pooled the results an extensive list of studies. What emerges is that the United States from Britain, France, Holland, many are zoonoses that the animal attacked the man.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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The American who wanted to beat Everest

resume our literary adventures pointing in the direction opposite to our usual. This time you go to the east, in the heart of the Tibetan Plateau, and the time machine takes us to 1948, the years dell'irresistibile advance of the troops of Communist China and the desperate resistance of the nationalist who was among the majestic scenery shocking and Central Asia, one of the most epic stages, but little known of those facts. An enterprising American explorer, Leonard Clark, using his influence government agent fails to get the desired result of an expedition by the powerful but Pu Fang, commander of the armed anti-communist spread in Central Asia and intends to defeat the troops of General Lin Piao, creating a brand new axis between Tibetans and the fiercest warriors fighting Islamic fanatics in control of territories that stretch from the east of Turkey to the foothills of 'Far East. Harbinger of an alliance adverse implications on the facts today in the same theater of war that involved the same actors take today facing very different scripts. But politics and strategies seem to be of little interest all'impudente U.S., its real objective is the exploration of the legendary chain dell'Amne Machin, then almost unknown and brought to the fore the interest only for the scientific and geographic unfortunate, but accidental, loss of direction of some American airmen during the Second World War sighted returning the chain to do great altitude dwarf Mount Everest more than 9,000 meters! The possibility of being the first Westerner to be able to detect the actual height of the elusive mountain to follow the lead Clark-led military convoy from the auction but Colonel and headed for the northern territories of Tibet, almost at the gates of Mongolia. Clark's diaries are essential, written with enormous effort of will in the light of dim lamps fueled by yak butter in very cold nights with average temperatures below 15 degrees. Tell of boundless territories, the lives of nomadic tribes and weaker perennial hunt for survival was then represented by the incursions of ferocious bands of marauders' ngolok, native peoples of Tibet, whose ferocity and brutality just fits the image hagiographic all holiness and meditation consumerism built around today to the inhabitants of those places. But thanks to Clark also know the most touching and significant human encounters in the desert between groups of men who gather to celebrate a friendship, a meeting or a farewell. Or be enchanted at the spectacle unique, powerful and disturbing than an endless caravan of animals, people, goods and weapons from one end to the other extreme of Asia through the caravan routes for journeys that could last months or years. The Amne Machin at the end is identified, and braving the wrath of the 'local ngolok who consider it sacred and inaccessible, measured in long and wide to confirm (and very wrong) the drop reported by American pilots. Clark is unjustly forgotten figure today, but the reasons can be easily imagined. It is not a winner, let alone the man primates (the true height of the main peak is around dell'Amne Machin 6600 meters). After Mao's Communists conquer the territories of the east, was forced to flee to the following Ma Pu Fang perhaps more drawn by the load of gold that they are carried in the cabin of the aircraft with which he took refuge in Cairo for real solidarity. Remains a unique figure: a Westerner who could be comfortable in the tents of felt awkward or clumsy in the skin of sheep, who could talk and deal diplomatically with the most savage tribes of the Tibetan plateau and was able to recognize the wisdom fellow travelers, including the faithful interpreter Dorje cultured and refined Mongolian diplomat, the real numbers (102 for the Buddhist religion) inherent in life, in friendship, in fate and death. Om mane padme hum.

Leonard CLARK (1975), At The Gates of Mongolia , Garzanti

Monday, January 24, 2011

Toysrus Philippines Rc Car

responsible driving

Let me point out one of the few (I think) guide written with the intent to provide readers with simple directions and clear power to acquire and maintain the virtuous attitudes and awareness in comparisons of fuel consumption and purchase decisions. This booklet, prepared by the consumer movement with the support of Regione Piemonte puts relevant information to the reasons of ideological aversion to consumerism, provides practical advice than the list of schools of thought on climate change and incentive to behave really Fairtrade dialectical rather than indulge in clashes on globalization.
arguments, Sorry, the boards are classified according to the most common contexts of everyday life at home, moving, traveling or second items of expenditure the most conspicuous of the family budget: housing, energy and the car.
It 'easy to read thanks to the many thematic boxes, tables and mirrors. Many people have the array of links to sites and pages of detail. There propose a few:

Energy : list of authorized distributors of power by the Authority for Electricity and Gas for an assessment of cost to install a photovoltaic system at home or on the way collective for efficient use of appliances.
Food and Nutrition / Food / food / margarina.htm to learn about the properties of the notorious and ubiquitous hydrogenated fats. : Slow food's site also contains some case studies of educational
Water gardens, cleaning and hygiene to follow the process of water that comes into the house through the tap. contains data and information on the drinking of bottled in Italy and the production of containers palstic. : The site of the League antivivisection offering a page that contains information on controls relating to toxic substances on the market an Italian company that is engaged in the distribution of detergents on tap through traditional distribution
Purchasing: a site that contains information on car sharing for answers to questions about purchasing of his own car. - contain guides for the purchase of computers and other computer components for companies that adhere to the circuits of production and recovery with low environmental impact. information on GAS (Group of fair trade) and how to establish one new : a guide to critical consumption : Tested on line ample space on the critical consumption and responsible.

(edited by) CONSUMER MOVEMENT (2009) with little - I know and then use

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Do The Colors Of Bands Mean

Lose weight effortlessly with solidago. A plant purifying and diuretic

There are many types of food wastes that are likely to increase the work of the liver and kidneys, slowing the metabolism and encouraging overweight. In our daily diet, in fact, there are the "temptations" ... Think of the foods with fat and additives to soft drinks with sugar and dyes, etc.. In our help, to avoid the accumulation of toxins due to water retention, cellulite and excess weight comes the solidago (Solidago virga aurea ), a plant diuretic, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory. In addition, the mix of active ingredients of this herb, regenerating the excretory organs (those involved in cleaning the body), allows the body to burn calories and fat more quickly and clean up the waste from the lymphatic system. A benefit of the line and, of course, health. Discover with us how ...


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Long Does My Hair Have To Be To Use Microchet

Obesity is a question of mind too much food "shrinks" the brain

According to a study published in Brain Research extra pounds affect cognitive function and trigger a "failure" that leads people to eat more and more over time. A confirmation of the theory of obesity: the more it increases the amount of food ingested the more it weakens the response of the pleasure receptors and increases the desire to sit at the table


"Mens sana in corpore sano" said the Latins. A new confirmation of the old proverb comes from the United States. A study published on Brain Research 1 notes that the pounds have a negative effect on the size of the brain, altering the functioning of those areas that "govern" the eating behavior. According to researchers at New York University School of Medicine (U.S.), obesity as well as being linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, a disease that already affects cognitive function, determines also a "failure" that could lead people to eat more and more over time.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Agata Kręciszek Gliwice

Pros and Cons of licorice

Known since antiquity for its sweetener, 50 times higher than sugar, its most used is the root, which yields a extract used to make candies, teas, infusions or liqueurs but licorice can also be served raw, in the form of rods, those often taken as a substitute of the cigarette.
Its success is due, inter alia, to the many and healing properties: digestive and gastric inflammatory, refreshing, emollient, expectorant and cough suppressant, just to name a few. The abuse, however, which often begin just after the discovery of the benefits, is when it will progressively increase in consumption, naively trusting in absolute safety. Err on the licorice it means exposing himself to a pressure rise, due to water retention, for fatigue ...


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stomach Cleansing Home Remedies

Being seated hurts too much to heart especially

A study at University College London has estimated that spending four hours every day in front of the small screen causes a general increase in disease death rate of 48% and 125% raises the risk of dying from heart disease. The concerns of gowns

SARA Ficocelli

ROME - does not matter if you go to the gym every day, if you do not smoke and drinkers: the real enemy is the heart of your television, if you spend four hours a day in front of the small screen. In the presence of such a habit, in fact, the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases increases exponentially. To say it is a study at University College London, that spend much time in front of the TV leads to a general increase in disease mortality of 48% and 125% increases the risk of dying from heart disease. The thesis, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, is the result of a study of 4,512 people followed for 4 years, during which 325 died and 215 had at least one cardiovascular disease.


Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Wash Apex Northface

dioxin scare, Fazio ensures "No risk for Italy"

Minister of Health on contamination of foods German: "Imported eggs also here, but in limited quantities. And with the labeling can be tracked down. "A series of technical meetings at the EU level

ROME - In front of ' emergency food contaminated with dioxin 1 that is spreading in Germany, the Minister Ferruccio Fazio of Health ensures that Italy is not at risk: our country has imported from Germany, "a limited number of eggs but with labeling can be traced by looking at the brand manufacturer and origin." And the Italian eggs, which are watermarked and traceable, "are a guarantee of safety even in Germany."


Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Balding, hopes to cure it all depends on stem dormant

A study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation reveals the secret of androgenetic alopecia, the most common form of hair loss. It depends on a problem of activation of stem cells in hair follicles that remain "off", can not make the hair

ROME - Unveiling the secret of baldness. The fault is all of a defect in the functioning of cells of the hair follicle. In particular, a U.S. study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation 1 in people suffering from androgenetic alopecia, which is the most common form of baldness, hair follicle stem cells scattered on the head, instead of being operational, as are off "asleep". According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, is not a question of numbers but of activities within the follicles in the passive stem cells fail to develop into more mature cells, so-called progenitor cells.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fresh Black Mission Dates

diet after the holidays 5 light meals a day

back into shape

The diet to recover from the revelry of dinners and toast farewell to 2.5-3 pounds in a month

the sausage was good, right? And Pandora? Not bad ... well nougat Well, here we go again: parties and dinners have left a legacy of good memories and a few pounds more. What now must be thrown down with a diet low in fat and sugar to lose 2.5 to 3 pounds in a month.
A scheme providing five balanced meals a day, so that the metabolism is always active and never come too hungry for lunch and dinner, says Stefania Setti, nutritionist clinics Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo. Here is an indicative suitable for people in good health (photo Fabbri).


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Big Boobs 60 Years Old

Physicians against diets of buffalo-vip "Fans of the first unwitting victims"

The alarm of the "Sense about science" that is fighting against flase scientific beliefs and now accuses the "suggestions" to lose weight data from celebrities. They range from bibitoni Olivia Newton-John with drinks maple syrup fasting and alternate proposals from Naomi Campbell and Demi Moore

from our correspondent ALBERTO BRICK

LONDON - The diet of fasting, maple syrup, pepper and lemon, that really like Naomi Campbell and Demi Moore. The charcoal purifier sprayed on dishes from the pop star Sarah Harding. Plants of "redemption" of South America by Olivia Newton-John, or the famous Power Balance, the bracelet "strength and balance" became a cult object worldwide thanks to David Beckham and Kate Middleton. Remedies "miracle" brought by celebrities, however, are few miracles. And sometimes, also harms the health of unsuspecting fans.
