responsible driving Let me point out one of the few (I think) guide written with the intent to provide readers with simple directions and clear power to acquire and maintain the virtuous attitudes and awareness in comparisons of fuel consumption and purchase decisions. This booklet, prepared by the consumer movement with the support of Regione Piemonte puts relevant information to the reasons of ideological aversion to consumerism, provides practical advice than the list of schools of thought on climate change and incentive to behave really Fairtrade dialectical rather than indulge in clashes on globalization.
arguments, Sorry, the boards are classified according to the most common contexts of everyday life at home, moving, traveling or second items of expenditure the most conspicuous of the family budget: housing, energy and the car.
It 'easy to read thanks to the many thematic boxes, tables and mirrors. Many people have the array of links to sites and pages of detail. There propose a few:
Energy : list of authorized distributors of power by the Authority for Electricity and Gas for an assessment of cost to install a photovoltaic system at home or on the way collective for efficient use of appliances.
Food and Nutrition / Food / food / margarina.htm to learn about the properties of the notorious and ubiquitous hydrogenated fats. : Slow food's site also contains some case studies of educational
Water gardens, cleaning and hygiene to follow the process of water that comes into the house through the tap. contains data and information on the drinking of bottled in Italy and the production of containers palstic. : The site of the League antivivisection offering a page that contains information on controls relating to toxic substances on the market an Italian company that is engaged in the distribution of detergents on tap through traditional distribution
Purchasing: a site that contains information on car sharing for answers to questions about purchasing of his own car. - contain guides for the purchase of computers and other computer components for companies that adhere to the circuits of production and recovery with low environmental impact. information on GAS (Group of fair trade) and how to establish one new : a guide to critical consumption : Tested on line ample space on the critical consumption and responsible.
(edited by) CONSUMER MOVEMENT (2009)
with little - I know and then use