saving ecological
Buying green products is not only a way to respect the environment, but also a form of support to the traditional retailers also called "proximity", increasingly forced to resort to gimmicks to survive the tyranny of the supermarkets.
One example is a recent initiative undertaken by some provincial representatives of a major trade association that brought a small neighborhood shops specialize in selling products with low environmental impact characterized above all by the absence of packaging for disposal .
We started with cleaning the plug, but the goal is to reach to broaden its range with a wide range of products including food. The intentions are very clear of the association, and reasoning is flawless. The official representative of a provincial Piedmont tells me that the small operator needs to retrain and find new opportunities to survive in competition with malls, but unfortunately the constraint is that there are a lot of money to invest, although it is often the enthusiasm and lacks the capacity to respond. Sell \u200b\u200bbulk products does not imply large investments, the supply is not dependent on the conditions halter large producers, but from small Italian producers who are left out, by choice or misfortune, the circuit of the buyers of large retailers.
"Retailers have left an open space that could be filled by traditional distribution, "my partner assures me, referring to target those consumers who do not like it or not they shop in supermarkets, but the shop doorstep. One example is the elderly, self-sufficient, but prefer not to take the car to go shopping by opting for the trolley pulled along the sidewalks of the neighborhood. Being able to buy only a small amount of detergent rather than a can of five kilos to carry home, it's definitely very beneficial because you can not be dependent children, grandchildren and neighbors. Then there are those who do not want to use the car for the beginning and then are ideally opposed to supermarkets. In this case Shop doorstep that has embraced a cause that he believes his client can become an element of loyalty.
The distribution of detergents that began to spread in many retail outlets spread across almost the entire northern and central Italy, has found in John De Angelis a staunch supporter and an enlightened entrepreneur who was able to grasp the winners of this sector with obvious features of high growth and high potential. "The element of successful business," explains De Angelis "is to go by the owner of a small operation and propose to use a few square meters of space devoted to the sale by placing a simple machine that distributes products for cleaning. The cost is minimal, but it is necessary that the operator oversees the distribution system to explain and illustrate the benefits to the customer. " In support of this belief De Angelis explains the failure of some chain stores that specialize in only selling products for cleaning caused by the fact that no part of our buying habits go to a store just to buy a specific type of product, while we are more inclined to do so if there is a proposal made in a grocery store, the bakery, a hardware store or at a small appliance repairman. The large distribution seems to have failed the goal of consolidation in the sale of products low environmental impact. The Piedmont Region has invested considerable sums to place at large retail complex machinery for the distribution of detergents on tap, but the experiment did not yield the desired results despite the parallel promotion and communication efforts. It seems to be the key to the simplicity of it all. The buyer has to go to the store with its container, even the empty bottle of mineral water, and should not be forced to buy a specific, must be able to decide how much to withdraw and not quantity defined product. Obviously the process of price determination is more complex because the product must be weighed and you deduct the weight of the container, a practice at the supermarket checkout would not be feasible, but certainly workable in a small shop.
But the levers of success are not limited to the simplicity and the ability of traders to convince his client to make a responsible gesture: it is also in the quality and convenience. The popular combination of so many tournaments and advertising of yesterday and today. In this case, however, the cost is justified by lower costs which affect the product because it saves resources that would otherwise be dispersed in packaging, pouches, ideas, graphics, inks, and higher costs of transport. Without loss of quality because the characteristics of detergents distinguishes the prerogatives to be defined as a product of absolute quality surfactants of vegetable origin and not as the vast majority of synthetic detergents., no dyes (those that are the whitest white, for instance), Italian production and low environmental impact (in theory water that the exhaust exits the washing machine we could splash around a goldfish).
"The factors for a successful product, we are all" explains the head of the agency that is overseeing the promotion and development of the network of stores that share a commitment to the environment, "but in this case, above all, it is possible to convince consumers they are buying an excellent product at a very reasonable cost, and once it was found that, it is easy to convince yourself of the goodness of the consequences of their choices. "
would agree that perhaps a lesson to learn: respect for the environment than the first pass of our pockets.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Dbz Kamehasutra Videl
Urban traffic. Some tips to reduce it. The financial
In Milan, a resident of two states to prefer their cars to go to work. It 's really amazing that no policy of public transport, no ecopass and all the admonitions we have taken the citizenship of the European Union to experience the significance and consequences of their behavior.
This record makes the Milan one of the most congested and polluted in the world, but also highlights the shortcomings of the municipal administration that is conspicuous lack of concern towards the problem and, beyond the claims to the total absence of ideas.
But I would have some ideuzza. Nothing sophisticated. Anything that opens the gates to big jobs, big contracts and big business. Only some trick that comes from observation, often forced, how traffic can be partially removed by simple and inexpensive precautions and measures.
Ve illustrate them marking the day forced the automobile: The
school with the children, especially if still small, is the first task of the day parent driver. Schools do not have parking lots because rightly go to school children who do not drive. However
front of schools across Italy to the 8 form of jams frightening motorists of parents who would like to accompany their children not in school, more: the counter if possible. Usually fighters roam around, do not settle for gridlock, but to sate of fines during those 5 / 10 minutes by car parked badly to be able to accompany on foot this time, their children to school.
Proposed solution: some northern European airports and train stations have instituted the "kiss zones" which are car parks where those accompanying someone who must take a train or a plane can stop just long enough to say hello, just a kiss. Exhausted the brief pleasantries we leave without paying anything and without creating bottlenecks. How can you apply in the case of a school?. Create a kiss in front of the school area where children, after the kiss mom and dad go down quickly from the machine as quickly disengage the area used to make room for other vehicles. The children are monitored and supervised by a watchful grandfather in waves that accompany them inside the school. The same after school. Cost: Draw the stripes on the ground put some sign, train fighters grandparents who will perform their work as volunteers.
Municipalities should also encourage "walking bus" or groups of children led by adults or youth volunteers that run certain routes involving other children in the caravan along the way that you add. This initiative is as beautiful as little used. You are stronger incentives for the common use of the walking bus children would more serene, more healthy, more environmentally friendly. Parents are less stressed and reassured by the fact that children are controlled. The traffic, of course, it would benefit. As I said, unfortunately, these initiatives do not have much success and after some time fall by the wayside. In my opinion, to increase the action is necessary to involve teachers. The school principals have the services that the school offers (the so-called "open school") should point out that there is an escort service supervised children. Teachers should make parents understand that the general assessment of the pupil will depend on the degree of participation in these activities.
Scooters: Italy has a minor percentage of motorized unique. It 's really incomprehensible that in a country like ours where the mother's anxiety to their children is almost pathetic to allow the young and immature to run around on little noisy racing cars just to go to school or make movements that could be safely dealt with foot or by bicycle. The approach Early in the shift operator is detrimental to health, the traffic pollution. A boy on a motorbike that runs today, tomorrow sfreccerà on a bike or a more powerful machine will just old enough to drive it. The use of motor and morally harmful primarily because it is useless, expensive, dangerous and polluting. Schools should prevent the motors inside the entrance of the yards and provide the means to remove parked erratically in front of the school. The teachers, in this case, they should make it clear to pupils and parents who prefer to come to school on foot or by bike is most appreciated.
Afternoon activities: recreation, sports and education carried out by our boys in the afternoon forcing more parents to meetings at the wheel to go with and go get the kids to tennis lessons, swimming, football, music and dance. So much unnecessary traffic as well as being a major cause of stress for parents. The solution in this case would be simple: to force the organizers of the courses to equip themselves with appropriate vehicles such as buses to go home to pick up students and athletes. The additional costs incurred by the organizers of the courses would be rewarded with a small incremental fee to pay the costs of leasing the vehicles. In addition, the travel time from home to the place where the activity is turn can be used to review activity, preparation and reporting of activities. The same course of return. Municipalities could do their part by offering its own such as unused school buses in the afternoon.
the bicycle, the bicycle is the deputy that has the potential to solve the problem of traffic and pollution. However, it continues to be opposed. Not directly, but indirectly because of the widespread resistance of governments in creating environments conducive to travel on two wheels not likely to facilitate the dissemination and to foster a benevolent attitude towards him. Some authorities have invested in
cycling and now are reaping the fruits of these forward-looking policies. Others are trying to catch up. Many others, however, as the City of Milan, have not yet decided what to do if sporadic initiatives that have more flavor than propogandistico tangible signs of a strong commitment to original models of sustainable mobility.
Regardless of bicycle paths and its development should satisfy logical centripetal and centrifugal - the flow of commuters from the suburbs to go downtown and therefore do not need to build bike paths alone in the center, other tools may exist to facilitate the use of deterrence 'car. For example, if the network of cycle paths is insufficient or no use to other areas of traffic density, such as schools, hospitals, offices and courts can be studied road routes at certain times of the day will prove to be completely closed to motor traffic. If the orographic relief of the city has a certain size (eg Roma) that makes the difficult journey by bicycle from people just train, city buses into disuse and appropriate adjustments made to comply with regulations on emissions, could be put into Unwind road shuttle service ferrying bikes and riders from the top of the slope.
The union train-bicycle is another frontier to which the government venture with a certain fear. Yet if we could pour out on the track only a quarter of incoming traffic in a city like Milan, traffic problems and pollution could be seen in a different light. The ability to carry your bike on is an exciting opportunity that is not adequately promoted and exploited. Municipalities that receive large flows of commuters would involve working closely with companies and railways to facilitate the use by the commuter train to offer special prices combined monthly rail passes to the possibility of transporting the bike. The railways, however, must commit themselves to supporting the burden of the municipalities for the development of the network of cycle paths. This desirable cooperation between railway companies and local governments could lead to the creation of a consortium aimed at the design and implementation of integrated sustainable road network. Always
by rail could reach a great help to those provincial capitals or mid-sized region suffering from the worst traffic problems of the metropolis now. I am referring to the possibility of operation by the sub-urban sections of the railway lines of the third level (there are many in Italy, yet efficient, though underutilized) to light rail with the intention of offering a viable alternative own transport to get to the center. The trains used for the service, also should have a wagon for transporting goods for the business activities of the center, freeing the city from the commercial vehicle traffic, which is usually more intensive, polluting and dangerous. The latter option would allow recovery of the striking freight terminals, which for years supported the traffic of goods of our country and now lie abandoned in desolate.
Limiting the use of private vehicles: years ago the figure was introduced in the company of the mobility manager, a role that business through agreements with local authorities, transport companies and unions would have to harmonize and optimize the movement of employees and contractors with the intent to decrease the use of private vehicles. The total lack of good examples of application of these guidelines leads me to think that the experiment has been quite disappointing. This for the simple reason that membership is on a voluntary basis and the posting of the Italians from their motorized vehicle and the supposed feeling of independence that attorney continues to be very difficult. In my opinion the problem of mobility can only be resolved with effective measures substantially limiting the right to use their car as an alternative to public transport. In support of its arguments, will reclaim the data found in Milan where there is a public transport system, all things considered valid and effective, one in two people prefer their cars to go to work. As long as the possibility exists to choose the problem can not be solved in London if I want to go downtown with the means are forced to go on foot or bike or be a Saudi sheikh. In Milan, I go downtown at an affordable equivalent after all. Also in Britain the opportunity to go to the stadium by car is blocked, simply because the stages have more parking, but only efficient public services.
The propensity to use of own car is a cultural aspect: educating the new generations to a more environmentally friendly will be easier to implement policies of sustainable mobility and collective without danger that they would be opposed. Education should start by teaching school children that the uncontrolled growth of individual mobility is no longer tenable. It would also be appropriate to raise the age to allow children to ride scooters or other motorized vehicles or to restrict motorized travel only in certain circumstances or against a particular need. A measure also proper for the Protection of young from the dire consequences of accidents on a motorcycle now which reveals a predominance than cars. Dovers, but very difficult, since the dominance of Italian manufacturers of two-wheeled vehicles.
authorities should take full responsibility to evaluate the impact of traffic in each type of initiative that intendeno undertake and implement policies aimed at containing the collective mobility of private vehicles: the granting of a permit for a shopping center, the establishment of a new hospital, from cultural shows. In the case of shopping malls, for example, business managers will be responsible for putting into practice systems of free public transportation (shuttles, buses) to transport customers home delivery of the goods purchased. At shows, concerts, games or other events which will attract a large audience will also be given to the provisions to enable the achievement of the place of events, stating that access to private vehicles is prohibited. And if you do not want to ban, do pay a blunder.

In Milan, a resident of two states to prefer their cars to go to work. It 's really amazing that no policy of public transport, no ecopass and all the admonitions we have taken the citizenship of the European Union to experience the significance and consequences of their behavior.
This record makes the Milan one of the most congested and polluted in the world, but also highlights the shortcomings of the municipal administration that is conspicuous lack of concern towards the problem and, beyond the claims to the total absence of ideas.
But I would have some ideuzza. Nothing sophisticated. Anything that opens the gates to big jobs, big contracts and big business. Only some trick that comes from observation, often forced, how traffic can be partially removed by simple and inexpensive precautions and measures.
Ve illustrate them marking the day forced the automobile: The
school with the children, especially if still small, is the first task of the day parent driver. Schools do not have parking lots because rightly go to school children who do not drive. However
front of schools across Italy to the 8 form of jams frightening motorists of parents who would like to accompany their children not in school, more: the counter if possible. Usually fighters roam around, do not settle for gridlock, but to sate of fines during those 5 / 10 minutes by car parked badly to be able to accompany on foot this time, their children to school.
Proposed solution: some northern European airports and train stations have instituted the "kiss zones" which are car parks where those accompanying someone who must take a train or a plane can stop just long enough to say hello, just a kiss. Exhausted the brief pleasantries we leave without paying anything and without creating bottlenecks. How can you apply in the case of a school?. Create a kiss in front of the school area where children, after the kiss mom and dad go down quickly from the machine as quickly disengage the area used to make room for other vehicles. The children are monitored and supervised by a watchful grandfather in waves that accompany them inside the school. The same after school. Cost: Draw the stripes on the ground put some sign, train fighters grandparents who will perform their work as volunteers.
Municipalities should also encourage "walking bus" or groups of children led by adults or youth volunteers that run certain routes involving other children in the caravan along the way that you add. This initiative is as beautiful as little used. You are stronger incentives for the common use of the walking bus children would more serene, more healthy, more environmentally friendly. Parents are less stressed and reassured by the fact that children are controlled. The traffic, of course, it would benefit. As I said, unfortunately, these initiatives do not have much success and after some time fall by the wayside. In my opinion, to increase the action is necessary to involve teachers. The school principals have the services that the school offers (the so-called "open school") should point out that there is an escort service supervised children. Teachers should make parents understand that the general assessment of the pupil will depend on the degree of participation in these activities.
Scooters: Italy has a minor percentage of motorized unique. It 's really incomprehensible that in a country like ours where the mother's anxiety to their children is almost pathetic to allow the young and immature to run around on little noisy racing cars just to go to school or make movements that could be safely dealt with foot or by bicycle. The approach Early in the shift operator is detrimental to health, the traffic pollution. A boy on a motorbike that runs today, tomorrow sfreccerà on a bike or a more powerful machine will just old enough to drive it. The use of motor and morally harmful primarily because it is useless, expensive, dangerous and polluting. Schools should prevent the motors inside the entrance of the yards and provide the means to remove parked erratically in front of the school. The teachers, in this case, they should make it clear to pupils and parents who prefer to come to school on foot or by bike is most appreciated.
Afternoon activities: recreation, sports and education carried out by our boys in the afternoon forcing more parents to meetings at the wheel to go with and go get the kids to tennis lessons, swimming, football, music and dance. So much unnecessary traffic as well as being a major cause of stress for parents. The solution in this case would be simple: to force the organizers of the courses to equip themselves with appropriate vehicles such as buses to go home to pick up students and athletes. The additional costs incurred by the organizers of the courses would be rewarded with a small incremental fee to pay the costs of leasing the vehicles. In addition, the travel time from home to the place where the activity is turn can be used to review activity, preparation and reporting of activities. The same course of return. Municipalities could do their part by offering its own such as unused school buses in the afternoon.
the bicycle, the bicycle is the deputy that has the potential to solve the problem of traffic and pollution. However, it continues to be opposed. Not directly, but indirectly because of the widespread resistance of governments in creating environments conducive to travel on two wheels not likely to facilitate the dissemination and to foster a benevolent attitude towards him. Some authorities have invested in
cycling and now are reaping the fruits of these forward-looking policies. Others are trying to catch up. Many others, however, as the City of Milan, have not yet decided what to do if sporadic initiatives that have more flavor than propogandistico tangible signs of a strong commitment to original models of sustainable mobility.
Regardless of bicycle paths and its development should satisfy logical centripetal and centrifugal - the flow of commuters from the suburbs to go downtown and therefore do not need to build bike paths alone in the center, other tools may exist to facilitate the use of deterrence 'car. For example, if the network of cycle paths is insufficient or no use to other areas of traffic density, such as schools, hospitals, offices and courts can be studied road routes at certain times of the day will prove to be completely closed to motor traffic. If the orographic relief of the city has a certain size (eg Roma) that makes the difficult journey by bicycle from people just train, city buses into disuse and appropriate adjustments made to comply with regulations on emissions, could be put into Unwind road shuttle service ferrying bikes and riders from the top of the slope.
The union train-bicycle is another frontier to which the government venture with a certain fear. Yet if we could pour out on the track only a quarter of incoming traffic in a city like Milan, traffic problems and pollution could be seen in a different light. The ability to carry your bike on is an exciting opportunity that is not adequately promoted and exploited. Municipalities that receive large flows of commuters would involve working closely with companies and railways to facilitate the use by the commuter train to offer special prices combined monthly rail passes to the possibility of transporting the bike. The railways, however, must commit themselves to supporting the burden of the municipalities for the development of the network of cycle paths. This desirable cooperation between railway companies and local governments could lead to the creation of a consortium aimed at the design and implementation of integrated sustainable road network. Always
by rail could reach a great help to those provincial capitals or mid-sized region suffering from the worst traffic problems of the metropolis now. I am referring to the possibility of operation by the sub-urban sections of the railway lines of the third level (there are many in Italy, yet efficient, though underutilized) to light rail with the intention of offering a viable alternative own transport to get to the center. The trains used for the service, also should have a wagon for transporting goods for the business activities of the center, freeing the city from the commercial vehicle traffic, which is usually more intensive, polluting and dangerous. The latter option would allow recovery of the striking freight terminals, which for years supported the traffic of goods of our country and now lie abandoned in desolate.
Limiting the use of private vehicles: years ago the figure was introduced in the company of the mobility manager, a role that business through agreements with local authorities, transport companies and unions would have to harmonize and optimize the movement of employees and contractors with the intent to decrease the use of private vehicles. The total lack of good examples of application of these guidelines leads me to think that the experiment has been quite disappointing. This for the simple reason that membership is on a voluntary basis and the posting of the Italians from their motorized vehicle and the supposed feeling of independence that attorney continues to be very difficult. In my opinion the problem of mobility can only be resolved with effective measures substantially limiting the right to use their car as an alternative to public transport. In support of its arguments, will reclaim the data found in Milan where there is a public transport system, all things considered valid and effective, one in two people prefer their cars to go to work. As long as the possibility exists to choose the problem can not be solved in London if I want to go downtown with the means are forced to go on foot or bike or be a Saudi sheikh. In Milan, I go downtown at an affordable equivalent after all. Also in Britain the opportunity to go to the stadium by car is blocked, simply because the stages have more parking, but only efficient public services.
The propensity to use of own car is a cultural aspect: educating the new generations to a more environmentally friendly will be easier to implement policies of sustainable mobility and collective without danger that they would be opposed. Education should start by teaching school children that the uncontrolled growth of individual mobility is no longer tenable. It would also be appropriate to raise the age to allow children to ride scooters or other motorized vehicles or to restrict motorized travel only in certain circumstances or against a particular need. A measure also proper for the Protection of young from the dire consequences of accidents on a motorcycle now which reveals a predominance than cars. Dovers, but very difficult, since the dominance of Italian manufacturers of two-wheeled vehicles.
authorities should take full responsibility to evaluate the impact of traffic in each type of initiative that intendeno undertake and implement policies aimed at containing the collective mobility of private vehicles: the granting of a permit for a shopping center, the establishment of a new hospital, from cultural shows. In the case of shopping malls, for example, business managers will be responsible for putting into practice systems of free public transportation (shuttles, buses) to transport customers home delivery of the goods purchased. At shows, concerts, games or other events which will attract a large audience will also be given to the provisions to enable the achievement of the place of events, stating that access to private vehicles is prohibited. And if you do not want to ban, do pay a blunder.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Detecter Model Camera
Sibillini 2010-2011
hike for all, even without experience, to the spectacular highlands of Accumoli, with attractive views, from Forca Canapine we will turn to snow-covered lakes, visit all'inghiottitoio then go into a beech on the trail and return to the starting point.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio Norcia.
Winter 2010-2011 Program activities
Saturday, December 18
Meeting place: 15.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
possibilities to eat and / or stay overnight retreat or farm (at the time of booking).
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, December 19
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, according to the area below the village, actually called Hills High and Low, to go out on the Pian Perduto before returning to Castelluccio Norcia.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 100; difficulty: easy.
Thursday, December 30
place: h 9.00 at the Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200; difficulty: easy
Friday, December 31
Excursion PANTANI Of Accumoli
place: h 9.00 at the Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.

Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 150 meters Difficulty: easy.
Saturday, January 8
Meeting place: 15.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
possibilities to eat and / or stay overnight retreat or farm (book at the time of registration).
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, January 9
Meeting place: 9.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia .
Tour starting from Pian Perduto, heading for the San Lorenzo Valley, up to the ruins where Guerin Meschino has stayed the character trait from the famous book by Andrea Da Barberino which it is entitled "Guerin Meschino," which tells the legend of a knight errant in search of the sorceress Sybil.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 50 meters Difficulty: easy.
Saturday, January 15
Meeting place: 15.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcross.
Tour for all even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
possibilities to eat and / or stay overnight retreat or farm (at the time of booking).
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, January 16
place: h 9.00 at the Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia. On the occasion of the Feast of Lovers on Valentine's Day will be offered sweets.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200; difficulty: easy.
Sunday, January 23
Meeting place: 9.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, according to the area below the village, actually called Hills High and Low, to go out on the Pian Perduto before returning to Castelluccio Norcia.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 100; difficulty: easy.
Saturday, January 29
Meeting place: 15.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcross.
possibilities to eat and / or stay overnight retreat or farm (at the time of booking).
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, January 30
EXCURSION marshes of Accumoli
Meeting place: 9.00 at the store at Emporio della Sibilla Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, to the spectacular highlands of Accumoli, with charming views, from Forca Canapine we will turn to snow-covered lakes, visit all'inghiottitoio then getting into a beechwood and come back on the path to the starting point.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 150 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, February 6
Meeting place: 9.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia .
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200; difficulty: easy.
Saturday, February 12
NIGHT TOUR marshes of Accumoli
Chapel Meeting place: 15:00 h at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, to the spectacular highlands of Accumoli, with attractive views, from Forca Canapine we will turn to snow-covered lakes, visit all'inghiottitoio then go into a beech and back on the path to the starting point.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 150 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, February 13
place: h 9.00 at the Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Pian Grande, we head to the floor under the Small Spot Knight and back, making a round trip.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 20; difficulty: easy.
Saturday, February 19
Meeting place: 15.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
possibilities to eat and / or stay overnight retreat or farm (at the time of booking).
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, February 20
EXCURSION marshes of Accumoli
Meeting place: 9.00 at the store at Emporio della Sibilla Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, to the spectacular highlands of Accumoli, with attractive views, from Forca Canapine we will turn to snow-covered lakes, visit all'inghiottitoio then go into a beech and back on the path to the starting point.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 150 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, February 27
Meeting place: 9.00 at the Emporio Sybil's in Norcross.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Pian Grande, we head towards the Small floor under the spot and return to Knight, making a round trip.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 20; difficulty: easy.
Sunday, March 6
Meeting place: 9.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcross.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, according to the area below the country, actually called Hills High and Low, to go out on the Pian Perduto before returning to Castelluccio di Norcia.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 100; difficulty: easy.
Sunday, March 13
Meeting place: 9.00 at the Emporio Sybil in Norcia.
Tour starting from Pian Perduto, heading San Lorenzo Valley, up to the ruins where Guerin Meschino has stayed the characters from the famous book by Andrea Da Barberino which it is entitled "Guerin Meschino," which tells the legend of a knight errant in search of the sorceress Sybil .
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 50 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, March 19
EXCURSION marshes of Accumoli
Meeting place: 9.00 at the Emporio Sybil's in Norcross.
hike for all, even without experience, to the spectacular highlands of Accumoli, with attractive views, from Forca Canapine we will turn to snow-covered lakes, visit all'inghiottitoio then go into a beech and back on the path to the starting point.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 150 meters Difficulty: easy.
Saturday, March 20
place: h 9.00 at the Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Pian Grande, we head to the floor under the Small Spot Knight and back, making a round trip.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 20; difficulty: easy.
Saturday, March 26
Meeting place: 15.00 at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, round trip starting from Castelluccio di Norcia, following the gentle slopes covered with snow, we will cross the ancient beech trees, passing through the valley and returning to Canatra Castelluccio di Norcia.
possibilities to eat and / or stay overnight retreat or farm (at the time of booking).
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 200 meters Difficulty: easy.
Sunday, March 27
EXCURSION marshes of Accumoli
Meeting place: 9.00 at the store at Emporio della Sibilla Norcia.
hike for all, even without experience, to the spectacular highlands of Accumoli, with attractive views, from Forca Canapine we will turn to snow-covered lakes, visit all'inghiottitoio then go into a beech and return on the path to the starting point.
Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 150 meters Difficulty: easy.
course of construction and overnight in an igloo
useful Date:
Saturday 15 and Sunday, January 16
Saturday 22 and Sunday, January 23
Saturday 12 and Sunday, February 13
Saturday 19 and Sunday, February 20
Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6
Meeting place Saturday at 09:00 Meeting point at Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia.
Arrive in Castelluccio di Norcia, start hiking with snowshoes, arrival at base camp and lunch, igloo building and / or shelters in the snow, snow on the dinner, overnight stay in igloos DIY, Sunday 08:00 am breakfast, activities at the base camp dining, dismantling of the camp; return Castelluccio di Norcia; ore16: 30 arrival in Port Ascolana Norcia.
Arrive in Castelluccio di Norcia, start hiking with snowshoes, arrival at base camp and lunch, igloo building and / or shelters in the snow, snow on the dinner, overnight stay in igloos DIY, Sunday 08:00 am breakfast, activities at the base camp dining, dismantling of the camp; return Castelluccio di Norcia; ore16: 30 arrival in Port Ascolana Norcia.
Duration: 2 days, 250 meters altitude, difficulty: medium.
ski touring courses
useful Date:
Saturday 15 and Sunday, January 16
Saturday 12 and Sunday, February 13
Saturday 12 and Sunday, March 13
Programme outputs: hangout at the shop Emporio della Sibilla in Norcia Saturday at 09:00.
Course for all without experience, you will learn to use the ski trails with the basic techniques.
Duration: 4 lessons divided into two days, difficulty: easy.
News of interest
- For groups of dates can be customized.
- For those who want to have the opportunity to transport travel to the place of departure as long as seats are available.
- Wear hiking, we recommend gloves and winter hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, winter pants, fleece, jacket, winter socks and a spare pair of shoes, trekking , leggings, underwear fabric type synthetic polypropylene capilene, etc ..., avoid cotton shirts on the skin. For courses lasting several days contact the secretariat.
- You should bring: a camera for the food: biscuits, chocolate, candy, 1 liter of water.
- activities are carried out by environmental guides.
- Equipment provided by our organization.
- Insurance.
- In case of bad weather and at the discretion guides, the due dates may be postponed.
- To join you must apply by e-mail the registration form.
For information and reservations:
Sibillini Adventure ASD
Gi Specialists of outdoor
tel. 0743.296749 fax 0743.394512 - mob. 348.7288365
Official Site
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Consequences For Fake Ids In Ontario
on four-wheel
Everything is worn out and negative in a car is a source of revenue for the state, regions and communities. Think about it: The car is cumbersome
(more cumbersome) and occupies space to park it must pay a fee for the space is committed. Right. So maybe it encourages people to leave the car and go out on foot. So why municipalities are always looking for places to build new parking lots?
The car pollution and dirty air. It 's true that less soiled than once, but it is equally true that we use much more than in the past. Some municipalities do charge for entering the city, as if the car outside the city refrain from being harmful. The famous Milan's Congestion Charge has not served to reduce the levels of pollution, but generated very high income to the coffers of City Hall for permits issued, but also on the infringements committed by users struggling with the procedures and systems are not always comprehensible and accessible.
The car is strong, dall'autovelox and then fined, but if you can not stop before driving injures and kills people and who is overwhelmed. E 'right to pay in order to cover the costs of compensation of persons who are injured or the families of the victims. But why should I pay the State a tax of 12.5% \u200b\u200bfor RCAuto a policy that appears to be one of the most expensive in Europe?
to mention the nasty habit of burning gasoline car that is still burdened by excise duty due to disasters dating back to the mists of time. This is one of the most annoying chapters of the economic policy of the '70s, the real, unique and original policy of "hands in his pockets Italians' love for someone today repeat.
The list goes on: the contribution to the waste oil for disposal of tires and other hazardous parts such as batteries that Italians love to leave the fields or woods.
not get me wrong: it is okay to pay for access to those who want to go downtown, huddled part of the costs for the disposal of substances harmful to those who used them and pay insurance premiums for themselves and protective potential victims of road .
The question is rather: are we so sure that the institutions are truly committed to reducing car traffic if they are aware that since there are fewer cars in circulation, also decreases the cash flow to their please?
What alternatives could offer a bike that does not pollute, that does not generate radioactive waste and if the thin tires that would normally take place until you see the canvas, not to be strong and therefore can not be fined, do not consume anything that costs a lot in mining, transportation, refining and distribution with all the taxes that accumulate from one step to another, who does not occupy space, even if many still do not want to see in the courts (see my post "how much shame on those two wheels "). Well what can you get away from a cyclist if you do not hold out for an ambush was fine because on the sidewalk? At least that. Perhaps that explains the reason why in Italy bicycle lanes are being built.

Everything is worn out and negative in a car is a source of revenue for the state, regions and communities. Think about it: The car is cumbersome
(more cumbersome) and occupies space to park it must pay a fee for the space is committed. Right. So maybe it encourages people to leave the car and go out on foot. So why municipalities are always looking for places to build new parking lots?
The car pollution and dirty air. It 's true that less soiled than once, but it is equally true that we use much more than in the past. Some municipalities do charge for entering the city, as if the car outside the city refrain from being harmful. The famous Milan's Congestion Charge has not served to reduce the levels of pollution, but generated very high income to the coffers of City Hall for permits issued, but also on the infringements committed by users struggling with the procedures and systems are not always comprehensible and accessible.
The car is strong, dall'autovelox and then fined, but if you can not stop before driving injures and kills people and who is overwhelmed. E 'right to pay in order to cover the costs of compensation of persons who are injured or the families of the victims. But why should I pay the State a tax of 12.5% \u200b\u200bfor RCAuto a policy that appears to be one of the most expensive in Europe?
to mention the nasty habit of burning gasoline car that is still burdened by excise duty due to disasters dating back to the mists of time. This is one of the most annoying chapters of the economic policy of the '70s, the real, unique and original policy of "hands in his pockets Italians' love for someone today repeat.
The list goes on: the contribution to the waste oil for disposal of tires and other hazardous parts such as batteries that Italians love to leave the fields or woods.
not get me wrong: it is okay to pay for access to those who want to go downtown, huddled part of the costs for the disposal of substances harmful to those who used them and pay insurance premiums for themselves and protective potential victims of road .
The question is rather: are we so sure that the institutions are truly committed to reducing car traffic if they are aware that since there are fewer cars in circulation, also decreases the cash flow to their please?
What alternatives could offer a bike that does not pollute, that does not generate radioactive waste and if the thin tires that would normally take place until you see the canvas, not to be strong and therefore can not be fined, do not consume anything that costs a lot in mining, transportation, refining and distribution with all the taxes that accumulate from one step to another, who does not occupy space, even if many still do not want to see in the courts (see my post "how much shame on those two wheels "). Well what can you get away from a cyclist if you do not hold out for an ambush was fine because on the sidewalk? At least that. Perhaps that explains the reason why in Italy bicycle lanes are being built.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Pierced Nipples Viedeo
Eskimo Training instructors survival CSEN
E 'was held a training course for instructors CSEN survival, the courses will begin in January. The course has a duration of 4 weekends and includes a training of 150 hours.
Al end of the course will be awarded the diploma and the license-CONI CSEN technical instructor certificate CSEN survival.
For more information about the program and how to join, please write to or visit .
survival training course instructors CSEN academic year 2011
Al end of the course will be awarded the diploma and the license-CONI CSEN technical instructor certificate CSEN survival.
For more information about the program and how to join, please write to or visit .
Pinewood Derby Wood Dimentions
Survival course on 27-28 November 2010 autumn 2010
2 days
Bushcraft Day 1 and Day 2
Full Immersion: survival course of two days between the Umbria-Marche Apennines Monti Sibillini, you will learn the main techniques of survival of water, orientation with and without navigational instruments, construction of emergency shelters with sleeping outdoors, knowledge of first aid, recognition of edible plants, rope bridge construction, the return is scheduled for about 16:30 hours the 2nd day.
2 days
Bushcraft Day 1 and Day 2
Full Immersion: survival course of two days between the Umbria-Marche Apennines Monti Sibillini, you will learn the main techniques of survival of water, orientation with and without navigational instruments, construction of emergency shelters with sleeping outdoors, knowledge of first aid, recognition of edible plants, rope bridge construction, the return is scheduled for about 16:30 hours the 2nd day.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What Is A Good Moisturizer For Roseaca
Nordic Walking in Umbria
the National Park of Monti Sibillini and Valnerina
Saturday 16 and Sunday, October 17
Course nordic walkers and nature walk at the fork of Ancaster. Departure at 15:30 on Saturday from Norcia (PG) and 15:30 hours on Sunday. Monday, November 1
basic course and nature walk in Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30.
Sunday, November 7
basic course and a nature walk to Pantani Accumoli. Departure at 09:30.
Sunday, November 14
Course Nordic walkers on the stretch of old railroad-Borgo Cerreto and Piedipaterno Departure at 09:30.
Sunday, November 28
Taste of Autumn event in Norcia, course and nature walk nordic walker brands to Norcia and the discovery of the old railway Spoleto-Norcia, departure at 09:30. Sunday, December 5
basic course and nature walk at the fork of Ancaster Norcia (PG). Departure at 09:30.
Wednesday, December 8 Feast of Phaon in Norcia, basic course and nature walk along the Plains of St. Scholastica. Departure at 09:30. Sunday, December 19
Last exit fall, the basic course and nature walk to the cave of Monte Patino. Departure at 09:30.
All outputs are led by instructors specializing in environmental guides to Nordic Walking ANWI and provide a release of 'course certificate.
For appointments at the information point is the meeting of Nordic Walking "Emporio della Sibilla" in Norcia. For information or registration - \u200b\u200bEmporio della Sibilla 0743.828323
the National Park of Monti Sibillini and Valnerina
Saturday 16 and Sunday, October 17
Course nordic walkers and nature walk at the fork of Ancaster. Departure at 15:30 on Saturday from Norcia (PG) and 15:30 hours on Sunday. Monday, November 1
basic course and nature walk in Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30.
Sunday, November 7
basic course and a nature walk to Pantani Accumoli. Departure at 09:30.
Sunday, November 14
Course Nordic walkers on the stretch of old railroad-Borgo Cerreto and Piedipaterno Departure at 09:30.
Sunday, November 28
Taste of Autumn event in Norcia, course and nature walk nordic walker brands to Norcia and the discovery of the old railway Spoleto-Norcia, departure at 09:30. Sunday, December 5
basic course and nature walk at the fork of Ancaster Norcia (PG). Departure at 09:30.
Wednesday, December 8 Feast of Phaon in Norcia, basic course and nature walk along the Plains of St. Scholastica. Departure at 09:30. Sunday, December 19
Last exit fall, the basic course and nature walk to the cave of Monte Patino. Departure at 09:30.
All outputs are led by instructors specializing in environmental guides to Nordic Walking ANWI and provide a release of 'course certificate.
For appointments at the information point is the meeting of Nordic Walking "Emporio della Sibilla" in Norcia. For information or registration - \u200b\u200bEmporio della Sibilla 0743.828323
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Couch Benches Blueprints
Survival course 3 days from 24 to 26 September 2010
will be held at the end of September our now ritual survival course of three days. The program is the maximum of water, orientation, hiking, clothing, recognizing edible plants and herbs, first aid.
will be held at the end of September our now ritual survival course of three days. The program is the maximum of water, orientation, hiking, clothing, recognizing edible plants and herbs, first aid.
Closed Cervix High And Moist
Friday, August 6, 2010
Parts For A Polaroid Camera
Nordic Walking News Summer 2010
NORDIC WALKING in National Park of Monti Sibillini
Sunday, August 1
basic course and nature walk at the fork of Ancaster. Departure at 09:30 from Norcia. Sunday, August 8
basic course and nature walk in Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30 from Norcia. Saturday, August 14
Basic Course and nature walk to Pantani's Accumoli. Departure at 16:30 from Norcia. Sunday, August 15
basic course and nature walk to the Marches of Norcia. Departure at 16:30 from Norcia. Monday, August 16
basic course and nature walk at Pian Grande di Castelluccio. Departure at 09:30. Saturday, September 4
basic course and a nature walk at Pian Perduto Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30 Sunday, September 5
basic course and nature walk to the Hills ups and downs of Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30 to Norcia.
All outputs are led by instructors specializing in hiking guides to Nordic Walking ANWI and provide a release of 'certificate of the course.
For appointments at the information point is the meeting of Nordic Walking "Emporio della Sibilla" in Norcia. For information or registration - \u200b\u200bEmporio della Sibilla 0743.828323
NORDIC WALKING in National Park of Monti Sibillini
Sunday, August 1
basic course and nature walk at the fork of Ancaster. Departure at 09:30 from Norcia. Sunday, August 8
basic course and nature walk in Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30 from Norcia. Saturday, August 14
Basic Course and nature walk to Pantani's Accumoli. Departure at 16:30 from Norcia. Sunday, August 15
basic course and nature walk to the Marches of Norcia. Departure at 16:30 from Norcia. Monday, August 16
basic course and nature walk at Pian Grande di Castelluccio. Departure at 09:30. Saturday, September 4
basic course and a nature walk at Pian Perduto Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30 Sunday, September 5
basic course and nature walk to the Hills ups and downs of Castelluccio di Norcia. Departure at 09:30 to Norcia.
All outputs are led by instructors specializing in hiking guides to Nordic Walking ANWI and provide a release of 'certificate of the course.
For appointments at the information point is the meeting of Nordic Walking "Emporio della Sibilla" in Norcia. For information or registration - \u200b\u200bEmporio della Sibilla 0743.828323
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sore Teeth After Vomitting
date yet to be defined as a guideline, but I would say that would be around September 17, 2011
first stop train from Chiavari Aulla, hence the train of Garfagnana with Monzone arrival.
From the train station you can reach the small village of Monzone Alto, where you walk down the path marked with trail signs 40b.
Follow the path to the Mouth of St. Anthony where you continue on the path 171, the House reached Carded (1,111 m.) we enter the path 174 and follow it to the mouth of Wells, where following the trail 183 we arrive at the Refuge Cai Campocecina Carrara (1,320 m) Length 7 km
Difference 1092 m. Duration
From Rifugio Carrara follow the path 173, cross the mountain Borla and get off at the Mouth of Pianzo then Faneletto mouth of the basin and the basin. Pollaro across the mouth of the junction between the paths are 38 and 173, you ascend the extensive woods to the Vinca Foce, Foce di Navola, following the path 37 leads to the Foce Razors, then follow the trail climbs to 186 about 400 meters until you reach the mouth or window Grondilice (1,750 m.) we descend the eastern slopes of 186 following the trail until you reach the Orto di Donna Hut (1,503 m.) Length 12 km
Difference 700 m.
time 6 h.
Third stage
From the hut follow the path n ° 179, cross a ravaneti and climb up the slopes of Mount Disagree (1,789 m.) and the northern portion of Mt Horse (1,895 m.), to the Mouth of Cardeto (1,680 m). From here you can climb the highest mountain in the Apuan Alps, the Pisanino (1,946 m). Continue until you cross the street instead of marble that rises from the pitch Gorfigliano Focolaccia, from here take the path that leads to the top of the 148 Tambura (1,890 m) before descending on the opposite side step the eponymous (1,620 m. .) hence the right path n ° 35 leads to the refuge to count along the Via Vandelli, but we Always take the left path No. 35 in a short descent brings us to the junction with trail No. 31, which we follow in the direction of Passo Sella, from here down to the first houses of continuing the path Arni 31-33 Cleaned up the Refuge.
Length 12 km Height difference 1,200 m
time 8 h.
Fourth stage
From Clean refuge, follow the path up to No. 33 Gobbi and crossed the road climbs along a beech forest to the way marble that rises from the left (1,110 meters). After two kilometers, there is a quarry Henraux, continue along the road after the village Betigna, Colle Cipollaio where you get to take the path n ° 141 to the pass of Fordazzani, Pass of the Cross, the intersection of the path n ° 11 on the road to quarry the Hill of Fociomboli from where it goes another road leads to the entrance of the path n ° 129, which brings us to the Mouth of the shelter and then Mosceta Del Freo (1170)
Length 10 km Height difference 400 m.
Length 5 h,
Fifth stage
from the mouth of Mosceta climb along the trail No. 126 to a height of 1743, the Call of Pania from where you continue to an altitude of 1835 where a sign indicates the different modes of reach the refuge, including the location of the ridge that is touching the 1859 quota. The Valley of Hell and the strut Focetta finally lead us to the Rifugio Rossi (1609).
Length of 4km.
difference in altitude 570 m. Duration
3.30 h.
Sixth Stage
following the path from the Rifugio Rossi No. 7 to return to the Valley of Hell, Focetta the strut, you climb the crest of Pania and arrive at the Pass of the Snow Men. It then follows the southern side of the Pania until the Foce di Valli, from there, following the rocky ridge of the Clean Ridge follow the path n ° 110 until you reach the spectacular arc of Mount Drilled (1.223m.). Continue towards the Mouth of Petrosciana directly or following the path easier to No. 12.fino Casa del Monte and then the 131 to Mouth # 6 Taking the path and let go down on the Mouth side until the Versilia Foce Moscoso, continuing towards Stazzema then take the path n ° 121 to the hut and follow the Squirrel Refuge Forte dei Marmi. After a brief stop, continue following the signs 121, 3, 101 to the mouth of Time.
Trail No. 2 brings us a cottage to which you can reach Camaiore, Viareggio.
km Height difference 150 m.
Time: 7 h.
date yet to be defined as a guideline, but I would say that would be around September 17, 2011
first stop train from Chiavari Aulla, hence the train of Garfagnana with Monzone arrival.
From the train station you can reach the small village of Monzone Alto, where you walk down the path marked with trail signs 40b.
Follow the path to the Mouth of St. Anthony where you continue on the path 171, the House reached Carded (1,111 m.) we enter the path 174 and follow it to the mouth of Wells, where following the trail 183 we arrive at the Refuge Cai Campocecina Carrara (1,320 m) Length 7 km
Difference 1092 m. Duration
From Rifugio Carrara follow the path 173, cross the mountain Borla and get off at the Mouth of Pianzo then Faneletto mouth of the basin and the basin. Pollaro across the mouth of the junction between the paths are 38 and 173, you ascend the extensive woods to the Vinca Foce, Foce di Navola, following the path 37 leads to the Foce Razors, then follow the trail climbs to 186 about 400 meters until you reach the mouth or window Grondilice (1,750 m.) we descend the eastern slopes of 186 following the trail until you reach the Orto di Donna Hut (1,503 m.) Length 12 km
Difference 700 m.
time 6 h.
Third stage
From the hut follow the path n ° 179, cross a ravaneti and climb up the slopes of Mount Disagree (1,789 m.) and the northern portion of Mt Horse (1,895 m.), to the Mouth of Cardeto (1,680 m). From here you can climb the highest mountain in the Apuan Alps, the Pisanino (1,946 m). Continue until you cross the street instead of marble that rises from the pitch Gorfigliano Focolaccia, from here take the path that leads to the top of the 148 Tambura (1,890 m) before descending on the opposite side step the eponymous (1,620 m. .) hence the right path n ° 35 leads to the refuge to count along the Via Vandelli, but we Always take the left path No. 35 in a short descent brings us to the junction with trail No. 31, which we follow in the direction of Passo Sella, from here down to the first houses of continuing the path Arni 31-33 Cleaned up the Refuge.
Length 12 km Height difference 1,200 m
time 8 h.
Fourth stage
From Clean refuge, follow the path up to No. 33 Gobbi and crossed the road climbs along a beech forest to the way marble that rises from the left (1,110 meters). After two kilometers, there is a quarry Henraux, continue along the road after the village Betigna, Colle Cipollaio where you get to take the path n ° 141 to the pass of Fordazzani, Pass of the Cross, the intersection of the path n ° 11 on the road to quarry the Hill of Fociomboli from where it goes another road leads to the entrance of the path n ° 129, which brings us to the Mouth of the shelter and then Mosceta Del Freo (1170)
Length 10 km Height difference 400 m.
Length 5 h,
Fifth stage
from the mouth of Mosceta climb along the trail No. 126 to a height of 1743, the Call of Pania from where you continue to an altitude of 1835 where a sign indicates the different modes of reach the refuge, including the location of the ridge that is touching the 1859 quota. The Valley of Hell and the strut Focetta finally lead us to the Rifugio Rossi (1609).
Length of 4km.
difference in altitude 570 m. Duration
3.30 h.
Sixth Stage
following the path from the Rifugio Rossi No. 7 to return to the Valley of Hell, Focetta the strut, you climb the crest of Pania and arrive at the Pass of the Snow Men. It then follows the southern side of the Pania until the Foce di Valli, from there, following the rocky ridge of the Clean Ridge follow the path n ° 110 until you reach the spectacular arc of Mount Drilled (1.223m.). Continue towards the Mouth of Petrosciana directly or following the path easier to No. 12.fino Casa del Monte and then the 131 to Mouth # 6 Taking the path and let go down on the Mouth side until the Versilia Foce Moscoso, continuing towards Stazzema then take the path n ° 121 to the hut and follow the Squirrel Refuge Forte dei Marmi. After a brief stop, continue following the signs 121, 3, 101 to the mouth of Time.
Trail No. 2 brings us a cottage to which you can reach Camaiore, Viareggio.
km Height difference 150 m.
Time: 7 h.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Trade Pokemon On An Emulator
Climbing and Mountaineering
Guide Alvise Mario
alvise.mario @
Guide Alvise Mario
alvise.mario @
By May there was the second course of rock. Besides the fact that a certain effect is already having reached the second course, it was nice to get together with beginner climbers who carry out our activities for more than a year and are considered as students aged. Of course, we realized that even older students can wrong doing on the node 'harness, but this happens to everyone, and it is why we check before starting off. The days were held in Ferentillo, in the various areas that the gym offers, and we had to also reach the Pen, in the one day of rain, not climbed a lot, but rappelling from the roof was still insured interesting and will also be useful for those who continue to come with us in the mountains.
I used it with Massimo, going to make a nice street in three pitches with the Mummies.
12 and 13 June we were instead in the Marche. Two good days and full, with routes up to 7c on the cliffs of the Pit and the Hermitage plaques liscissime Mount Catria. In the evening we were also able to swim in the swimming pool of color. Too bad that at eleven began a noisy party of eighteen who has delayed a bit 'our rest, but brought back to mind memories of that age.
the end of June will coincide with the closing of the gym and then with the possibility to move more freely.
On 26 and 27 is scheduled to go for a two-day multi-pitch climbing in Valle d'Aosta, and in July, after we returned from Germany, will be the period of the Dolomites: the first 15-17 and after 18 to 24. Last week
close to Slovenia. Here I must ask those who are interested, give me confirmation of their participation in the advance within the first weekend of July.
good start to summer!
I used it with Massimo, going to make a nice street in three pitches with the Mummies.
12 and 13 June we were instead in the Marche. Two good days and full, with routes up to 7c on the cliffs of the Pit and the Hermitage plaques liscissime Mount Catria. In the evening we were also able to swim in the swimming pool of color. Too bad that at eleven began a noisy party of eighteen who has delayed a bit 'our rest, but brought back to mind memories of that age.
the end of June will coincide with the closing of the gym and then with the possibility to move more freely.
On 26 and 27 is scheduled to go for a two-day multi-pitch climbing in Valle d'Aosta, and in July, after we returned from Germany, will be the period of the Dolomites: the first 15-17 and after 18 to 24. Last week
close to Slovenia. Here I must ask those who are interested, give me confirmation of their participation in the advance within the first weekend of July.
good start to summer!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Pattycake Online Masterbates
Books - New
"Walking in Umbria"
A guide to the region
walking 116 walks, hiking and trekking to discover the nature
Author: Stefano Ardito
Pages: 288 Price
: € 14.00
Size: 11x20 cm
Images: b / n
ISBN: 978-88-8177-153-0
Series: Walking in Italy
Publisher: Edizioni Iter
Publication: May 2010 Table of Chapters
1. High Tiber Valley
2. The hills of Gubbio, the Monte Cucco and Monte Catria
3. The mountains of Gualdo Tadino and Nocera Umbra
4. Lake Trasimeno and the hills of Perugia
5. The Martani and Valle Umbra
6. The mountains of Spoleto and Valnerina
7. The Monti Sibillini
8. The mountains of Cascia and Norcia
9. The mountains and hills of Terni
10. The lower Tiber valley and the hills of Orvieto

"Walking in Umbria"
A guide to the region
walking 116 walks, hiking and trekking to discover the nature
Author: Stefano Ardito
Pages: 288 Price
: € 14.00
Size: 11x20 cm
Images: b / n
ISBN: 978-88-8177-153-0
Series: Walking in Italy
Publisher: Edizioni Iter
Publication: May 2010 Table of Chapters
1. High Tiber Valley
2. The hills of Gubbio, the Monte Cucco and Monte Catria
3. The mountains of Gualdo Tadino and Nocera Umbra
4. Lake Trasimeno and the hills of Perugia
5. The Martani and Valle Umbra
6. The mountains of Spoleto and Valnerina
7. The Monti Sibillini
8. The mountains of Cascia and Norcia
9. The mountains and hills of Terni
10. The lower Tiber valley and the hills of Orvieto
June 10, 2010 - Umbria is a region remarkable for those who love nature, hiking trails, the mountain is enjoyable to most of the year and can offer very different ideas between them, the paths of faith, abbeys, villages, castles, parks, the waters of Lake Trasimeno and the Cascade Falls, the peaks and valleys of the Sibillini, the ravines, vineyards.
guide "Walking in Umbria" - in its second edition completely up to date - with its 116 routes leading to the discovery of the paths in Umbria, gradually revealing a land of monuments and history, scenery and flavors, contrasts, fascinating.
In this book, as is traditional for the series "Walking in Italy," describes paths to suit everyone: not too challenging walks and walk longer and more strenuous climbs reserved for mountain hikers and crossing valleys and massive. The heart of the region, between the shores of Lake Trasimeno and the Umbrian valley overlooked by Assisi, Perugia and Spoleto, offers relaxing walks among olive groves and houses, usually departing from villages rich in history. Apennines the environment becomes authentic and Sibillini mountains are one of the highest massifs of central and wild: a wide variety of landscapes that will delight those who love to go hiking.
The Tiber Valley, Mount Subasio, the hills of Spoleto, Monte Cucco, the hills of Perugia, the hills of Lake Trasimeno, the gullies of Orvieto, the massive Sibillini offer a multitude of trails, most of which is now a good network of marked paths, thanks to job and specialized local guides and Parks. Then there are the paths and lanes, the cart tracks that connect the Franciscan monasteries, abbeys rich in history, the medieval villages and turned into an old rail trail.
The author, as well as in its other guidebooks to the mountains of Italy, offers trails both classic and unusual, offering advice and practical information on the cards to be used along the way, the facilities to lean on, the associations where to go, do not miss the monuments and other sights.
"Walking in Umbria" (available at € 14.00 on newsstands, in bookstores and on the website is a guide agile, practical, easy to read and view, enhanced with maps of routes and convenient to carry around: hikers who want to discover the true face of this region defined not by chance "the green heart of Italy" can not miss it.
guide "Walking in Umbria" - in its second edition completely up to date - with its 116 routes leading to the discovery of the paths in Umbria, gradually revealing a land of monuments and history, scenery and flavors, contrasts, fascinating.
In this book, as is traditional for the series "Walking in Italy," describes paths to suit everyone: not too challenging walks and walk longer and more strenuous climbs reserved for mountain hikers and crossing valleys and massive. The heart of the region, between the shores of Lake Trasimeno and the Umbrian valley overlooked by Assisi, Perugia and Spoleto, offers relaxing walks among olive groves and houses, usually departing from villages rich in history. Apennines the environment becomes authentic and Sibillini mountains are one of the highest massifs of central and wild: a wide variety of landscapes that will delight those who love to go hiking.
The Tiber Valley, Mount Subasio, the hills of Spoleto, Monte Cucco, the hills of Perugia, the hills of Lake Trasimeno, the gullies of Orvieto, the massive Sibillini offer a multitude of trails, most of which is now a good network of marked paths, thanks to job and specialized local guides and Parks. Then there are the paths and lanes, the cart tracks that connect the Franciscan monasteries, abbeys rich in history, the medieval villages and turned into an old rail trail.
The author, as well as in its other guidebooks to the mountains of Italy, offers trails both classic and unusual, offering advice and practical information on the cards to be used along the way, the facilities to lean on, the associations where to go, do not miss the monuments and other sights.
"Walking in Umbria" (available at € 14.00 on newsstands, in bookstores and on the website is a guide agile, practical, easy to read and view, enhanced with maps of routes and convenient to carry around: hikers who want to discover the true face of this region defined not by chance "the green heart of Italy" can not miss it.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Groping On The Autobus
O Holy Night Michael Burgess
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