Saturday, January 3, 2009

Protect Door From Rain

new year

this would need a new blog post ...

a post New Year christmas

a post a post a post Berlin
stories that end and others that have never started

would biosgno to reply to mail greeting cards (some beautiful that deserve an answer and perhaps will soon find the words)
to respond instead of text messages sent and expected a response

could tell you of my New Year
maybe someone could tell me, since I have at times clouded memories

angel could tell you that I have snatched some Wings
which I take in the following winter nights

could tell you how nice it was to pass to Terry's ballad between small hyenas to dance with friends one day find myself lost

could tell the sea in winter, rain umbrellas flapping on the veranda

could but ...

prefer to go for a drink

that are not in too deep veins of thinking and prefer to have thoughts

good year on what will

gaff "with his angel of berlin" pax


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