Matthew is in front of the specchio.Sta trying to tie the knot at a questionable color contrast. It has never been comfortable with the ties. The first day in Rome had to buy one and get the knot by his friend Andrew, who lived a few blocks down (after years of him is still grateful).
It's never been too comfortable even with the opposite sex, riflette.Il first sexual intercourse was the first year of university, with a slight delay compared to the closest group of friends. The act was consummated with a young lady, her colleague. He had a reputation for giving it away, if the offer you a movie ticket (8000 pounds). He, not to lead in the rape, had to pay even a dinner by India (24,000 pounds), a Guinness Pub all'Irish (4000 pounds) and an ice cream cone for mozzarella and pistachio ice cream shop, which had a reputation as an aphrodisiac (3000 pounds). Matthew knew that in a climate of economic downturn, 39 000 pounds for an embrace of seven minutes and twenty second, were excessive.
After a number of attempts equal to the falls of the Christ on the cross, our mutual friend casts the tie on the bed. Missoni will opt for a shirt unbuttoned at the neck. Less simple, but most accursed. In fact he had managed to get the knot, but it has guide (Solo unbelievable) that the tie was shooting a bit '.
The girl for whom you are meeting her dress up in the bank. It 's his name is Carlotta finanziario.Di consultant. This evening he invited to dinner, ostensibly, to talk about what the Belarusian bonds are depreciating. Between the first and second trusts have already given an informal discussion. After the sweet invite to his house by the sea. One champagnino (bottle the lidl from 5.99 euro) and a CD of the Schism, to impress with nostalgic (5.99 euro in the basket dell'autogrill). Almost € 12, dinner included. A prudent investment, his former boss would say.
arrived in the nineteenth-century aristocratic palace of the prey, Matthew fila.Esce double parked in the car and ring the bell. "'ll Be right down," said a voice outside the headquarters of Monte dei Paschi, had not sentito.Nel never a matter of minutes, the young man in shirt Missoni is in front of a woman dressed as Botticelli's Venus.
"And this shameless girl," Matt thinks, interpreting that bright dress, short and low-cut, as a signal in its confronti.Poi, our mutual friend, is one of those things you do when the sex starts counting from the last time in years. The door opens.
the Mexican restaurant, between the first and second, the plan to bring the young lady to bed is failing so embarrassing. They are talking animatedly on the crack of Parmalat.Al sweet side with the EU's monetary union. While her home, when the collapse has already assumed grotesque, they are able to have a skirmish about half of Treasury Bills. At the destination, Matteo decides not to go down to open the portiera.Il dress was simple, succinct index almost running out gusto.Carlotta bad and you do not even dismisses with kindness, at least one that befits an employee "fuck," thought Matthew.
the Mexican restaurant, between the first and second, the plan to bring the young lady to bed is failing so embarrassing. They are talking animatedly on the crack of Parmalat.Al sweet side with the EU's monetary union. While her home, when the collapse has already assumed grotesque, they are able to have a skirmish about half of Treasury Bills. At the destination, Matteo decides not to go down to open the portiera.Il dress was simple, succinct index almost running out gusto.Carlotta bad and you do not even dismisses with kindness, at least one that befits an employee "fuck," thought Matthew.
But Matthew is a young exuberant. Grow different passions, and is not easy giving up (fatevelo tell me that I know him well). This
its social-cultural condition, also allows him to live with some tasteless joke that women find attractive, but never with sgallettanti without talent. He likes to think that he is not one that is content.
its social-cultural condition, also allows him to live with some tasteless joke that women find attractive, but never with sgallettanti without talent. He likes to think that he is not one that is content.
sometimes left the office, is delighted to go in his "secret place", the coordinates of which jealously keeps hidden from others. There, with a telescope that would be the envy Galileo Galilei, osserva.Oggi (refer to of the evening in black) chose a location next to the river bed. Among a constellation and another, a couple of beers drank to forget in the meantime, his attention was drawn to a figure trapped in the bushes along the shore.
Years later, at least once a week, Matthew will dream again that pale corpse, at other times, it contained the soul of Charlotte.
In another place, a man remembers the day in a double today. The thrill of being a predator has excited. You could say that it is proud to have ucciso.Ancora not know that from that day, every night, fall asleep with the lamp accesa.Mentre Matthew repent, it is not known for how many more years, not having tried more insistently, and perhaps have succeeded.
Sometimes a "two of spades" can kill ...
In another place, a man remembers the day in a double today. The thrill of being a predator has excited. You could say that it is proud to have ucciso.Ancora not know that from that day, every night, fall asleep with the lamp accesa.Mentre Matthew repent, it is not known for how many more years, not having tried more insistently, and perhaps have succeeded.
Sometimes a "two of spades" can kill ...
this story is dedicated to the night between 28 and 29 January of nineteen ninety-nine
just a decade ago to between
and also to all those who start counting in years .. .
rafflago disk unfiennu pax