But today is different. Maybe I should talk about PD and how it vanished the last dream of an Italy Socialist.
There are many topics that I'm passionate and on all day, mainly to the liberation I feel, knowing that the Italian left is over.
Yes I feel free. Finally I can talk about politics without having to justify a losing position in advance to my interlocutors. Hence the question: can a person with ideas ritermi winning melody to the left of my country? The answer is no.
You may have noticed that no matter the things I write. The reason is quite simple: you can not argue "nothing".
see why it is, I'm talking about nothing of other things you already know well and here I will tell you without decks words: with me, I tell you no more left, because the left was dead ... but with my eyes open to watch the changes.
Today is the end.
Lorenzo Cavallo
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