Sorry, but I'll give 'even one euro cent for those who raise funds for earthquake victims in Abruzzo. I know my sounds as blasphemy. And that usually is flaunting the contrary, without the shame that the charity 'demands. But I decided. Do not call you 'to any number I subtract' two euro from my phone bill, it will send 'no sms at the cost of one euro. Do not leave credit, it 'payments to the mails. I do not have beds to offer, beach houses to be allocated to small families in need, it 'old clothes, however, now gone to moda.Ho resisted the appeals of VIPs, the players' minutes of silence, the testimonies of politicians to tears live the Prime Minister. I have not been impressed with the program listings overwhelmed, the non-stop, written in the overlay during the evening show. I do not give one euro. And I think this is the most 'big gesture of civilizations', which at this time, as an Italian, I can do.
because I do not give a € 'and' charity that ruin this country, the stereotype of Italian generous people of bungling that combines the sorts of things, but then 'knows how to be forgiving with all these impulses in times of tragedy . Here, I'm tired of this Italy. I will not forgive you more 'nothing. The generosity ', unfortunately, the Charity, is a pretext. We are still there ', without the brook Alfredino, to see how it ends, and joining with each other. Suffer (and offer) a genuine compassion. But we did not move a centimetro.Eppure I think the tragedies, all can be prevented. The wells are covered. Responsibilities' detected. The damage repaired in no time. I do not pay a cent, 'cause I already pay' taxes. And they are many. And these taxes are already 'in the money for reconstruction, aid to civil protection. Which are always spent doing other things. So every time the Civil Defence asks for money to the Italians. And I say no. They are requested from the many excellent evaders crossing the economy of our Paese.E in my taxes there 'will provide for the payment of court that should satisfy those who speculate on the safety of buildings, and should do so before disasters happen. With my taxes also pay a political class, all, at all levels, who can not do anything, absolutely nothing, other than passerella.C 'and' went well, the President of Sicily Region, Lombardo, places to visit earthquake victims. On a trip paid for - like everyone else - we taxpayers. But do what? There was really needed? Uscirlo I could have a €, maybe two. Then Berlusconi spoke of "new town" and I thought Milan 2, Swan Lake, and the neologism, "new town". Where did you get? Where did you read? How long have you had in mind? The time of pain can not 'be punctuated by silence, but everything should be chewed, played for the use and consumption of the audience. Here's how it was created "new town". It 's a brand. As the rubber ponte.Avrei could shell out a few cents. Then I saw even Schifani, places the earthquake. The Senate President said that "at this time is the unity 'of the entire policy." Hurrah. But I'm not with you, 'cause I'm not like you, I work, not the field of politics, behind the community'. And while you, all you have responsibility 'to what' s happened, 'cause governments in different forms - for generations - the Italians and trample the ground that, I'm not guilty of anything. In fact, I'm for justice. You are a solidarity 'that covers the amnesia of a justice that is not there'. I do not, the euro. 'Cause I remembered that my mother, who has served the state 40 years, it takes almost a year in retirement as Schifani earns in a month. And then, 'cause I have to go out this €? To compensate for what? About. When it was my Belice earthquake that heard him all right. It gave a little 'to the people of their savings terremotate.Poi there was the Irpinia. And they 'did my good boy and a symbolic payment to a giro account. For reconstruction. And we all know how and 'round. After there was Irpinia and Umbria, and St. Julian, and in front of the torment of the fall school children can not stay indifferente.Ma that's enough. Who needs the aid if he continues to do always as before? They found, of good journalists (that's a good how to spend €: buying a newspaper written by good journalists) that one of the schools that collapsed in L'Aquila in reality 'was a hotel, a stroke of the pen of an official school building had become complacent, although there was no way the minimum safety requirements for farlo.Ecco, in our city ', Marsala, there is' a school, the most' populous, the Technical Commercial Institute, which has 30 years is in a building that is' converted into a hotel school. No safety criterion met, building a papier-mache, 600 pupils. The province has spent almost € 7 million in rent so far, to that school, where - for one thing - in the gym last October and 'fallen with the south wind (jugo! Not an earthquake! Jugo! C 'is a Mercalli scale for the sirocco or do we need to invent?) amianto.Ecco the ceiling, in the millions € to there ', drowned with others, the euro of my shame for a political class that can not decide anything, except how to get rich without restraint and to enrich tornaconto.Stavo to enter it, the sms conscience, then the Tg1 highlighted the exceptional plays on the air the day before the earthquake. And since the public service that I pay, with the fee, I already knew that 'if something was not to seek reimbursement of the fee for the bestiality' detto.Io who do not give a penny for earthquake countries. And I do not want if something happens to me. I just want an efficient state, where Comandini not mess with us. And since I already know 'so that' will not ', I also think that the earthquake and' the scratchcard those in politics. Now everyone has an excuse not to talk about something else, now no one will 'to criticize the government or the majority (everyone, even those that are in opposition) because there' s an earthquake. As the Sept. 11, the earthquake and Abruzzo will be the excuse for tutto.Ci are thousands of wasted resources in this country every day. If only we really wanted, the state would know how to save money to help displaced people: freezing the salaries of politicians for a year, or those of the super manager, joining the next European elections in the referendum. They are the first things that come to mind. And every new thing I think I mount more and more 'rabbia.Io not give a penny. And do the most 'helpful as possible. My anger, my anger. 'Cause I claim in these difficult days of my Italian right to have a safe home. And I was born into a rage that becomes crying when I hear "Japan would not have happened," as if the Japanese have discovered a new thing, as if the know - how of the Rising Sun was just a 'exclusive to them. Every engineering student fresh out of college knows how to do construction. Pratico.E make him forget the time I cry of rage 'cause to die is always the poor, and in the din of television there is no' even a poet as great as in Pasolini tell us how things are, to pick up the pain of past. Killed them all, the poets in this country, or have them put to death for noia.Ma me, here, today, I I hear Italian, poor among the poor, and I claim the right to say what I think. How nature when the earth moves, however.
Giacomo Di Girolamo
personal considerations
I want to meet (and I hope that one day there will be an occasion).
endorse the direction of your thinking,
not ever justify the disgustingly autocelebranti TG1 journalists, and even the so delightfully out of place cartoons Vauro,
gaffes not revealed by the premier and his own words of unity nazionle,
the flaws that the earthquake has just shown, but which were (dare I, who are pan italy walking),
who try to bask in the extraordinary work done by firefighters, volunteers (see I'm doing well, unbelievable !)...
I go further, at least a little 'I
quell'euro I won.
How many have sent quell'sms,
a bit 'maybe even do something for me (and here is the dynamic of the "wash their consciences" that you analyze well) but mostly because I hope that everything is fast ,
rebuild from the recovery,
the return to normality of the living to the dead rest in peace.
and everything
neither compassion nor for charity (I would say that it is, it would be nice)
is actually AFRAID
for fear that it will happen here too and would not change anything,
afraid it might happen again (it's already happened in the bottom right?) and no cabierebbe nothing
afraid it might be soon forgotten the evil (of those who built, who speculated, who did not monitor at all)
afraid of everything that remains only "Italy who falls in love with the whole"
of this New Town or the next winner of Big Brother
with the same shallowness of nowhere
I always thought that we should not have afraid of anything
James and I embrace you are certain that those ' the euro have given you too ... maybe in
gaff "ca nun is scant re components, only the sea" Flower